On 31st of october, the paard celebrated its 40th birthday with a double concert of the 2 of the most famous music idols in town: barry hay and di-rect
Barry Hay performed with his latest band the flying V's, a band of 4 young musicians. Of course he did not forget to remind everybody of his presence, 40 years ago, at the opening evening.
But who can better describe this evening than my friend Mike, who wrote about this performance in his column in The Hague online:
"Resembling a cross between Bruce Springsteen and Elvis, Barry Hay crooned and rocked through his set to an adoring audience of all ages. The highlight, as always, had to be his ever popular 1973 hit Radar Love.
DI-RECT present a confusing fusion of styles. Most of the band, and especially beardy front man Marcel Veenendaal come across like a classic 70's prog rock band in the style of say, Jethro Tull.
But the ace up their sleeve is the lead guitarist, Spike, who also has his own band that I often rave about called The Deaf.
His punky style is completely at odds with the others.
Although the prog rock stuff tends to bore me, my favourite songs were those in which Spike cavorted around the stage like a man possessed thrashing his raucous Fender and creating psycho-garage-pop guitar riffs as a spectacular contrast to the image and sound of the rest of the band."
The concert was opened by New Zeelander Sam Holden, who is the short list of the voices of Netherland contest
With thanks to Mike Grunfeld for the comment and the ticket
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