Dienstag, 10. November 2009

A man with a message....

....but with a dislike of photosAlpha Blondy, Paard, Den Haag, 4.11.2009
Seydou Koné, onder die naam zul je waarschijnlijk denken 'wie?' We hebben het hier over de persoon achter fenomeen Alpha Blondy, 'oh die!'. Inderdaad, een fenomeen. Een betere omschrijving valt er simpelweg niet te bedenken voor een van de belangrijkste iconen van de afgelopen decennia.
Alpha Blondy vond zijn inspiratie geheel volgens de 'reggae-regels' in de muziek van godfather Bob Marley, hoewel je dit niet geheel in zijn muziek terug zal horen.
Blondy, die zichzelf beschouwt als Afrikaanse Rastafari, beleefde zijn muzikale hoogtij in de jaren '80. In dat tijdperk groeide Alpha Blondy met zijn succes al snel uit tot Internationaal Reggae Superster, een titel die hij met zijn succes in de jaren '90 én een heuse Grammy Nominatie meer dan vertegenwoordigt." (original text paard from troje website)

Montag, 9. November 2009

Shantel and bucovina club orkestar

5.11.2009 in the Paard in the Hague
"I do not come from Russia,
I do not come from Africa,
I come from the land of paprika...."
fast Balkan rhythms from this romanian german band
drumming on a drenched drum....
unfortunately all these excellent musicians did not have a big chance to show their ability in soli
and a bath in the crowd

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009

The shadow of the stranglers

"Once upon a time, when most of you here were not even born, there was a band... called the stranglers"
The master strangler, Hugh Cornwell, was playing in Paradiso, Amsterdam, yesterday night
The little stage was full, but this was no comparison to the crowd cramming the big room of this converted church, where a gothic-sort of band called XX made your ears blow out
Cornwell played with drummer and bassist (you could hear her when you wanted to), who's names significantly enough do neither show on Hugh Cornwell's website nor the website of paradiso

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009

Spaces of art

An Arts-route in Leiden disclosed the interiors of the ateliers of local artists
Some were in disused old schools
some were in private houses
one exhibition even used a disco

Sonntag, 27. September 2009

Dichter aan huis

Tsead Bruinja

The city of the Hague has a festival, where poets read their poetry in private houses to a small group of listeners. Apart from enjoying the lecture and discussion with interesting people, this gives the opportunity to have a glimpse into some very interesting private homes. Thanks to the organisers, the poets and the friendly people who were willing to allow groups of strangers into their houses
Alexis de Roode

Martin Reints
Kees t'Hart

Samstag, 22. August 2009

Dancing in the streets....(2)

play the tune while looking at the pics....
to get a feeling of the incredible sadness of this scene

Homeless man dancing with an onlooker at the Jazz festival Delft 2009 to the sound of "dance me to the end of love" by Leonard Cohen

the sound of Phil and Billy and their band "wilful"
another great track they were playing was this one

Freitag, 19. Juni 2009


The former market hall at Estellencs, Mallorca hardly sees a market any more....

Dienstag, 7. April 2009

Maximo Park

Paard, The Hague, 2.4.2009

Dienstag, 31. März 2009

Blogs: Uferloses Geschimpfe aus einem Weltbild der Gekraenktheit und Wut

The Goethe Institute in Amsterdam organises a series of talks in which a Dutch and a German author are confronted: last friday these were Arnon Grunberg and Daniel Kehlmann
"Mitleid fuer geschundene Dinge" (the stage at Felix Meritis in Amsterdam)
Grunberg: "Faellt es ihnen einfacher, ein Gespraech mit einem Hund als mit einem Menschen anzufangen?"
Kehlmann: "Hunde sind unterhaltsamer..."
"Das richtige Bild ist das, das die anderen von einem haben"

Montag, 30. März 2009

Elle Bandita

Paard, Den Haag 26.3.2009
And the support band "daily bread"
And a tired fan...